No complicated UI. Fill details as necessary. Name, URL and Request Type are compulsory.
Added APIs live on the Mac Menu Bar, run them in just one click by selecting from the list.
That's all, it's just that easy. Currently supports JSON, Text and Image response types.
Opens Fast, Runs Fast.
Less than 3MB (v1.1)
Always on the Menu Bar.
No clatter, No nonsense.
Replace values in URL before running.
Fewer clicks to your result.
Time taken, and Response Size.
By a Developer, for Developers.
Many APIs have elements in them that can change with different requests. Some common examples are values in GET parameters, or a part of the path. Instead of going back and changing the URL each time, using SnapAPI, you can set placeholders instead. When running the API, just replace the placeholders and execute your request with the new values.
Simply surround the text you want to replace with two curly braces: {{ }}. The value you set will be the default.{{top_text}}&bottom={{bottom_text}}